She's looking real fine sittin' righ' there yessiree! A very modest set up but I really love it! Less is more right? The only thing left are studio monitors but do I reaaalllly need em? Yeaahhhh of course I do! Been looking at the KRK Rokit series. Most likely the RP-6 plus the subwoofer to really get some low-end oomph.
The guy I bought it from says there's just a little scratch on the back but upon further inspection... fool dropped it right on the corner but this thing is built like a tank! I was considering the Korg PadKontrol, M-Audio TriggerFinger, and the current MPD32 version. As soon as I saw the MPD24 on craigslist I just had to jump on it!
What's going on in my personal life? Nothing! I've been really enjoying the single life for about 7-8 months now. My life is dramatically better. I'm doing what I want to do. Met a lot of cool and interesting people. Having more time focused on creating things. It's fun now and I'm sleeping normally too!
What's up ladies? I'm chillin.
I started a new freelance gig in December. Guess what? Designing toys. Not exactly what I wanted to do but you know what? Fuck it. It's experience that counts and who cares if it's not some huge major company. It's the same shit, different name right? Anyway I have to design this line of dolls for girls. From figures, clothes, branding, to package; the whole thing! Not even trippin' about this project. It's going to be a lot of fun to do especially knowing that it will get manufactured. Shweet.
Much to do...
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